Melted cheese recipe

Melted cheese is most often made by home cheese producers from spoiled cheeses, those that have become too hard, too dry, or too sour. But it can be made from any cheese or cottage cheese.


  • cheese or cottage cheese
  • butter: 1/3 part of cheese
  • water: 1/7.5 part of cheese
  • citric acid: 1/38 of the cheese (1/25 if using hard cheese)
  • food soda: 1/31 of the cheese (1/21 if using hard cheese)


  1. Pour water.
  2. Heat water and dissolve citric acid in it.
  3. Remove it from the stove and add a small amount of soda so as not to run out.
  4. When the foam disappears, return to the stove to bring it to a boil.
  5. Remove the pot from the stove. The sodium citrate solution is ready.
  6. In a separate pot, melt butter and add grated cheese (curd).
  7. Pour the sodium citrate liquid (what you just made) into the pot where the cheese is already with melted butter.
  8. Stir everything and heat to 80–90 °C.
  9. Continuously stir so as not to burn (approx. 2 min). For a faster result, the hot mass can be blended with a hand blender.
  10. Pour into jars and cover the surface with cling film so that air does not reach the melted cheese during cooling.
  11. Useful:

    • The main prerequisite for the melted cheese to come together is salt is a melting pot. There are several so-called diluents:

      • Sodium citrate is a substance designated as E331 in the food industry and widely distributed in both carbonated drinks and children's food, as well as in the composition of medicines. It can be obtained by combining citric acid, baking soda, and water and is available in every household. Sodium citrate, or the combination of soda and citric acid has the following properties: antioxidant, emulsifier, stabilizer, and preservative. So that these words do not scare anyone, sugar, salt, essential oils, eucalyptus, and many other substances that destroy bacteria are also considered preservatives.
      • Pyrophosphate is a substance that is designated as E450 in the food industry and is used in the production of "Dzintars" melted cheese.  The maximum daily dose is 70 mg.
    • The ratio of water, butter, and cheese can be changed. If you add less butter, you will get a product similar to cheese sausage.
    • The percentage composition of the melting agent (Sodium Citrate) is usually 2–4% of the cheese mass.
    • If fatty and dry/dried are used cheese and after mixing the ingredients, the fat separates, but the cheese does not melt, then you have to add milk to dilute it.